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Panama City, Florida, United States
Bay County Republican: the truth about what is going on in GOP local politics

Monday, November 3, 2008

Notes for Poll Watchers

DO the reporting. DON’T be what’s reported.

Get there early and scope things out. Stay outside the 100-foot area, except to report a problem to the polling place deputy. (Exit pollers ARE ALLOWED within the 100-foot area.) Don’t wear any campaign stuff, and don’t have any campaign stuff on your vehicle. Take pens, paper, water, snacks, watch, camera. (You may prefer to use a voice recorder instead of taking notes.)

Look for behavior that isn’t normal:

n Someone hanging around within the 100-foot area after voting

n Out-of-state license plates

n Same car driving around the area

n Someone sitting in a car and not getting out, especially two people

n Someone trying to talk to the elderly or non-English speaking voter

Other activities that may be reported if persistent:

n Yelling at voters from outside the 100-foot area

n Use of microphones or megaphones outside the 100-foot area to speak to voters

n Any behavior that harasses voters

n Exit pollsters who mention a candidate’s name

n An over-abundance of exit pollsters

IMPORTANT: All vocal threats or threatening behavior should be reported immediately.

Signs that a person is doing something he knows he shouldn’t be doing:

n Picking at his clothes

n Sweating

n Agitation

n Nervousness

If you see something that you think should be reported:

n Write down the time of day

n Make notes about the behavior

n Write down distinguishing marks—tattoos, t-shirt logos, hats, hair length, etc.

n Write down the license plate number, if applicable

n Write down names and phone numbers of witnesses

n If necessary, take a picture

Do NOT confront anyone. Do NOT do anything illegal. IMPORTANT: Recording someone’s voice without his or her permission is illegal.

Report a potential problem to the polling place deputy standing just outside the polling place entrance. Allow a reasonable amount of time, 15 to 30 minutes, for the problem to be resolved. Report ALL troublemakers, Democrat AND Republican, but don’t over-complain. If someone else reports a problem, try to get that person’s name and phone number and the details of his/her complaint.

Call Dan Estes to let him know you have reported a problem. Dan’s #s: 624-7873 / 303-1905. If you can’t get through to Dan, call Teresa Eaton at 832-5689.

Be diligent and professional, use common sense and stay safe. God bless you for doing this important job!

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