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Bay County Republican: the truth about what is going on in GOP local politics

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Write President Bush a thank-you letter

No, I’m not talking about the “President-Elect”, I’m talking about our President, George W. Bush. For almost 8 years, he’s presided over the affairs of our Country through a series of catastrophic events: the tech bubble burst, the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, the War in Iraq, rebuilding our military, and the real estate bubble, to name a few. He’s handled the job while being relentlessly attacked by the mainstream media and more recently, without the support of his own party members. As his approval ratings were driven down and the pundits reported daily on the loss of lives in Iraq and the cost of the war, he continued to be calm, pursuing what he thought was the right course for America and never launching a counter attack to those who reviled him. Using hindsight, we might question some of his decisions, since we now know the results. However, many of those decisions were backed fully by the Congress of both parties, who now would make him solely responsible.

As the lame-duck President, he has few allies. That’s why I’m asking you to join me in sending a letter, a card, or an email of encouragement and thanks to our President and Laura, the First Lady. The mailing address is: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW , Washington , DC 20500 . Email messages can be sent to comments@whitehouse.gov. You can fax a message to 202-456-2461. If you agree that he’s been unfairly maligned and attacked, take a moment to send a message, and then send this or your own request to your email list. It will take just a moment, but I think it will make a world of difference to a couple who’ve given their all to our country. I hope you’ll join me in letting them know it hasn’t been in vain.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely President Bush did a wonderful job these past 8 years. The biggest mistake he made was ignoring the slams the press made against him. If only he would've stood his ground the way President Reagan did. I loved the way he would take a stand. President Bush was too quite. I hope he writes a book to tell all. Right now I know he and his wife need a break from the press and the hard work he did leading this great country. And shame on all of those who sang the good bye song at him today during the beginning of the inauguration today. That was so disrespectful and unintelligent. Thank you President Bush!

Anonymous said...

my name is jim harvey . and i would definately like the opertunity to thank president bush . he restored my patriotism . i really feel he was a man of conviction and did his best in the worst of times . i have been telling his critics that he inherited bad foriegn policy . yet he can leave with his head held high . which is more than we can say about mr clinton. thank you thank you thank you Mr President Bush . because of your example i have considered running for political office myself and make difference if i can . God bless and keep you

Anonymous said...

I am 43 years old. I have been married to one woman for 25 years. We have four beautiful children, three in college and one a freshman in H.S. I connected more with this president than any other before him, including Regean. I think Regean was great, but he did not have to make the kind of decisions that President Bush did. I wept the day the video came out about the shoe throwing in Iraq. I wept the day of Obama's election. Not because I was not upset about Obama going in, but the way our President was treated going out. It is not just about President Bush either. It is about the disdain that people have shown towards the office of President of the U.S. period. I want my president Bush to know how much he is loved and appreciated by families just like mine. God Bless President Bush!

Sandi Woods said...

Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Bush,
I am the mother of a soldier who has just recently got home from Iraq. Seeing you show up to thank and greet our troops returning home from over seas really warmed my heart. I am so greatful to you for that. It means the world to me to see that our troops are appreciated. So Thank the both of you for doing this. It is an honor to have the opportunity to thank you for what you did and your service to this country. God Bless the both of you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Sincerely, Sandi Woods