Kissimmee--- Osceola County State Committeeman Mark Cross announced his
candidacy today for the position of Chairman of the Republican Party
of Florida. During the coming weeks Cross will be traveling across
Florida to visit with members of the State Committee about the future
direction of the Republican Party. Cross is a traditional conservative
from the Ronald Reagan wing of the party in sharp contrast to the
current party leadership.
In announcing his candidacy, Cross called for a return to “principled
party leadership”. “We have to get back to the principles that made
this Republican Party grand...less taxation, less government spending,
fewer government regulations, and more personal responsibility. We
have to offer the voters more than just lip service. We have to deliver.”
Cross has promised to re-open the party to all Republicans. He pledged
to end the blatant discrimination and infighting that has recently
characterized the party. He recommended more financial assistance to
smaller counties, recommended giving the RECs and the grassroots more
local autonomy, and promised increased infrastructure for local
elections. He pledged greater funding of the party’s federal account
with better coordination and seamless integration for federal candidates.
He then challenged the other candidates to debate the issues. “Anyone
can talk about Republican Party successes and ignore the losses,”
Cross said, “but it takes “principled party leadership” to talk about
specific setbacks and make the necessary course corrections. Debate
denotes openness and self confidence and is a sign of health for the
party. When people are afraid of openness, we lose.”
Cross has an extensive Republican activist background. In Florida, he
served as a delegate to Presidency 3 under the Chairmanship of Tom
Slade. He served as Chairman of his local REC under RPOF Chairman Al
Cardenas and served on Chairman Carole Jean Jordan’s transition team.
During his last term as County Chair, he led his REC to 100%
Republican victory in a blue county. Cross is currently an enrolled
agent, licensed by the US Treasury Dept. He is also a real estate broker.
I have included a personal message from Mr. Cross here:
I am Mark Cross. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work for the party during the recent election cycle. While traveling across the state, I have met many Republicans. Some of us have been working for the party for decades. Some of us have just gotten started. But all of us are motivated by the same reasons. Republicans genuinely care about the future of our country and local communities. Republicans want to make things a little better for our children and grandchildren. And most of all, we Republicans want to make a difference.
There are several principles that are inherent to Republicans. We believe that government is intrusive and the best type of government is the one that governs the least. We believe that job creation is better handled by the private sector rather than government. We believe that the best way to manage the economy is through free markets. Free markets will always succeed or fail in direct proportion to the amount of interference from taxation, government spending, or government regulation. That is why we Republicans have traditionally stood for fewer taxes, less government spending, and less regulation. But, you sure wouldn’t know it by what has happened in Washington the past several years under Republican leadership.
We used to campaign against those “tax and spend” Democrats. This year Obama and the Democrats were able to take the tax issue away from us because we became “tax and spend” Republicans. Since it was our party in power, it was difficult to confront our elected leaders. We knew some were wrong, but we did not rise to the challenge, so Republicans were perceived by voters as no different from Democrats. They told us so on Election Day. We have become two parties on the same big government road that will lead to loss of sovereignty and ultimate bankruptcy. The only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is the speed at which we are traveling. But when we know the ultimate destination, isn’t it time to get off the road? Republicans have to make a choice between liberal moderation and traditional conservatism. In January we will have an opportunity to decide which road to travel through the election of new party leadership.
The Republican Party of Florida faces a challenging future. It is very important to change direction and get off the big government road. We have to return to the Republican principles of Reagan and Goldwater that have made our country great. These principles include fewer taxes, less government spending, and less government regulation. American families have to have more personal responsibility to meet their needs with less reliance on government. We have to maintain a strong national defense by supporting our active military troops and our veterans. We have to protect our economy by limiting government interference and completely eliminate debt monetization. All we have to do is take the advice of our Founding Fathers and abide by the Constitution.
In January we will all have a choice to make. If we truly want change, we must first learn from our mistakes. How many times have you heard the phrase, “We have to do what is best for the Republican Party.”? I know that I have heard it too many times. If you think about it, all we need to do is to stop, change our focus, and realize what is best for our party is to promote what is best for America. John McCain’s campaign slogan was right. Country First! He just didn’t understand which road to travel. Freedom brings us together, melts away any differences, and makes America that Shining City on a Hill.
During the past several years, I have watched my party move away from the small government issues I have championed all my life. After my election as State Committeeman I have been asked by supporters across the state to run for Republican Party Chairman. After consideration, I have decided to accept the challenge. During the next few weeks I will be traveling across Florida to visit with the State Committee about the future direction of the Republican Party. I would like your input on our challenge for the future and Republican challenges within your own communities. I would like to partner with you to restore RPOF to its conservative roots through principled party leadership. Together we can build upon the successes of the past to create a bright and shining future. Please take a minute to email me your thoughts. I appreciate your time, consideration, and ultimately your support. Thank you.
Mark Cross
State Committeeman
Osceola County
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