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Panama City, Florida, United States
Bay County Republican: the truth about what is going on in GOP local politics

Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain Sign Waves Sat. 11-1 and Mon. 11-3

What a great wave this morning at the east end of the Hathaway Bridge! First-time wavers were amazed at how much fun waving is.

Signs and flags went in the ground along Hwy. 98 during the pre-dawn chill, and by the time the sun peeked over the horizon, 27 volunteers were greeting motorists on their way to work. The response from Bay County’s voters was overwhelmingly positive. Honks and thumbs-up were off the chart!

This wave was so successful that another morning wave has been scheduled. Here are the details:


Mon., Nov. 3

6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

23rd St. and Hwy. 77

There is plenty of parking space at this intersection. Bring your coffee and mittens, and plan to have a great time!

Teresa Eaton 832-5689
Jonathan Hayes 832-7803

Hey Republicans,

I wanted to remind you guys of the sign wave this Saturday if you are willing and able. We'll be at Walmart 23rd St. by Suntrust, giving out signs and sending people to corners as they fill up. (10:30am) Wave from 11:00 to 1:00, water is provided during the wave and a hamburger hotdog lunch will be provided afterward at the Lisenby HQ. Hope you guys can make it and bring some people or at least tell some people who might want to come out for this last chance to show our support for McCain Palin before the election.

You are encouraged to make your own sign if you'd like, just keep it positive. No Nobama signs please. If you have an issue you want to speak to then by all means go for it! Some signs we have: Drill Baby Drill, Our Oil = Our Security, Dollar for Change? Nope!, McCain for Commander in Chief, Honk if you love Business, Honk for American Oil, Country Before Party, for M/P, Woman for M/P, Vet for M/P, Democrat for M/P, Gun and Religion Clinging voter for M/P, Say No to the Income Taker, I'm Joe, Business Hires, Real Reform not Pocket Change, etc.Country First, Country First Democrat for McCain-Palin, Proud Americans Honk, Kid We have no idea of the turn out so If you can't make your own sign, get there early so you can pick the sign you want. Hope to see you there!

Go Johnny Go!
Melissa Thompson

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