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Panama City, Florida, United States
Bay County Republican: the truth about what is going on in GOP local politics

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dan Estes announces run for BCREC Chairman

Dear Friend,

If you’re like me, you are concerned about the future of the Republican Party and our nation. More than ever, we need a grass roots conservative movement to get our party back on track! That’s why I am running for Chairman of the Bay County Republican Party. I can sit here and compose some political jargon to demonstrate my passion for my party and my country; now is not the time for that. As your Chairman my goals are simple.

1. Increase Party membership!
2. Keep the Republican Brand pure! Less Gov and low taxes.
3. Create a “Contract with Our County” and ask all Republican Candidates to sign and abide by it.
4. Recruit and support a candidate to beat Allan Boyd!
5. Work with the Committee Man and Woman to forward our message to the state and national party.
6. Support and elect conservative candidates to local, state and nation office.
7. Encourage local candidates to run for state and national office. Remember President Elect Obama was a State Rep three years ago!
8. Train Republican Executive Committee Members.

President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 said, "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.” He was speaking about the financial crisis. I too see a crisis that unnerves me; its call liberalism, the redistribution of wealth and big Government. We better take these people serious and work as a team to beat them in 2010 and 2012. In addition, we can not wait until election year we must begin now. If we don’t succeed we will wake up November 2012 having lost our democracy on a continent that our fathers conquered.

If you believe like I do and you want to help begin this conservative movement I humbly ask you for your vote December 1st. God Bless you and God Bless America !

Dan Estes

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